August 05, 2003

Super Powers?

Well, it's 1:00 on a work night and I'm no more tired then I was at my bedtime, a good two hours ago.

For a change, though, tonight, I actually got in bed at my bedtime. Then I thrashed around for two hours so I figured I was better off getting out of bed and smoking some cigarettes and surfing, then waking my husband and being miserable.

So there's the sleep thing. Or the not sleeping thing.

Then there's the food thing.

I haven't mentioned that. But fact is, I don't feel much like eating. Or I get hungry and then eat a few bites and I'm sick of whatever it is before I'm full, so I just stop.

Tonight's dinner was a rare exception, but that's pretty much how it's been for the last few weeks.

Now don't start thinking: classic depression signs.

Cuz here's the thing. I'm not depressed. I actually feel great. I feel better then I have in a really long time. I'm not exhausted during the day (except that I can't wake up in the morning, but so what else is new?). I have energy. I'm happy. I feel good about myself I feel sexy and womanly.

But apparently these are superpowers because I no longer require food or sleep.

Posted by beth at August 5, 2003 01:04 AM

*looks at waiter*...I'll have what she's having.

Posted by: Gavin at August 6, 2003 10:33 PM
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