July 14, 2004

For the Fashion and Safety Conscious Among Us

As I've mentioned somewhere before (and I'm too tired to look for the link, but have at it if you like), one of my responsibilities at work is the safety of my fellow co-workers.

And while my daily commute does not involve concealed weapons (but maybe it should--I live in Los Angeles after all), nor is my life in potential danger on a daily basis, like a fellow blogger, I am aware of the shifting geo-political tides. I am also very fashion-conscious.

So as a public service to those of you out there in web-land....because I care deeply about your safety, and your fashion-sense as well dammit, I've added a new feature on the right over there. Scroll down toward the middle for a terror alert, now available in 23 fashion colors.

Click on it for full details. Click on it early and often.

Posted by beth at July 14, 2004 12:17 AM

OK...I'll 'fess up to the concealed weapon thing... guilty as charged. But I'll take my commute over the poor bastards who have to face the 405 (and all those other drive-by-the-numbers SoCal rat-racetracks) any day of the week!

Posted by: David at July 14, 2004 01:18 PM
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