September 17, 2004

Get a Piece of Me

Your SubUrban housewife has gone public. No, there was no huge fanfare or controversy like the Google IPO. Frankly, it happened late last night, on a whim, but I'm wacky that way.

What on earth is she talking about you wonder??? Well, you can now trade in fantasy shares of my blog at

OK, I'm not really sure on all the ins and outs of it since I just opened my account last night but it's a virtual stock market where you trade in blogs. They give you something like $1000 to start with and you buy and sell "shares" in blogs to make your fortune.

My stock price is really undervalued right now since it's new. So buy buy buy!!!

Your stock value is calculated based on incoming and outgoing links, so fellow bloggers, feel free to link to me, and invest in me. If you do so, your value will appreciate, and I would appreciate it. (I crack me up anyway.)

I would be doing more homework and writing a more explanatory entry but I'm at the office and I need to get out of here and as Chuck reported, we have no internet at home until next Tuesday. I'll be checking back from the office on Monday so if you have any questions know I'm not ignoring you. And hey, if you open a Blogshare account and buy some Housewife shares let me know.

Posted by beth at September 17, 2004 05:12 PM

I've bought, but the owner keeps issuing new shares! Holy dilution, Batman!

Posted by: jim at September 21, 2004 09:59 PM

Thank you for playing Jim dear.

I take exception to "keeps issuing". I issued 1000 more shares today. I'm not likely to be issuing any more shares any times soon though.

I hope you bought closer to Friday when I was being traded at around $2.00 rather than today when I'm trading at about $90.

Posted by: beth at September 21, 2004 11:26 PM

I take exception to "keeps issuing".

My mistake.

FWIW, I did influence "industry analysts" in their positive outlook about its recent performance... in appreciation for the pointer Current Enhanced Terror Alert Color.

Posted by: jim at September 22, 2004 06:33 PM

Well thank you Jim. Unlike yourself I'm new to this whole thing and if I had a bit more experience under my belt I might not have issued more shares. Lesson learned

Color me educated (pun intended).

Posted by: beth at September 23, 2004 10:43 AM
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