June 08, 2003

Creeping Crud?

So, my Akita, Suki, suffers from a variety of skin ailments. A recent mega-buck trip to the vet confirms that she is allergic to flea bites. Not just scratch and itch irritated, but big open sore allergic.

This resulted in prescriptions for steriods, antihistimines, and antibiotics. Ka-ching.

Also, the Front Line I was using on her was not sufficient. For her particular situation Advantage is a better choice. OK, so off to petmeds.com I go and order it.

As back story, after the vet visit, Suki paid a visit to the groomer where she was bathed, had skin/coat conditioning treatments, and was shaved.

Now on with our story.

So I apply the Advantage to her semi-freshly bathed and sheared coat the night before last.

Well, yesterday I worked late and left Chuck in charge of Zoe and her friend Katy (who was over for a sleepover). I get home 9-ish and notice something odd about Suki's coat. She's got a blue-ish tinge right around where I've applied the Advantage. Great...she's allergic to this and has had some freakish reaction requiring hundreds of dollars in vet bills. In my best Scarlett O'Hara imitation I decide to deal with it "tomorrow".

This morning was tomorrow and I decide I better check this out more thoroughly. Well, while walking to the kitchen from my bedroom I look out the back door and notice huge blue patches of coloring on the back patio. Blue sidewalk chalk. I give Suki a closer look and realize what the weird blue patch on her back is. The girls colored on the dog.

Blue sidewalk chalk. On. The. Dog.

Posted by beth at June 8, 2003 12:06 AM

Hee! Grab your DC, for goodness' sake!

Posted by: Patty at June 20, 2003 01:58 PM