June 15, 2003


So we went to see Finding Nemo today. Chuck and Zoe saw it originally opening weekend. They both loved it. Chuck wanted me to see it.

It inspired Chuck to once again take an interest in our reef tank.

Here's the thing about this reef tank of ours. Chuck decided a long time ago that he really wanted a reef tank. As with all things Chuck, he chewed on it for a while, researched, shopped around, forgot about it for a while, remembered about it, researched, made grandiose plans, shopped around, and then finally got one.

A 65 gallon reef tank. That's saltwater. Live rock. Live sand. Lots of creepy creatures that clean things. And fish.

My whole thing when he got the tank was plausible deniability. Yes, I knew the tank was there. But I wanted nothing to do with it beyond occasionally feeding the creatures when he was out of town.

Then he kind of lost interest in the tank. That combined with the fact that he was out of town a lot, led to the rapid decline of our tank. Because with a reef tank you need to keep up with it. Regular water changes, cleaning the filters, adjusting the skimmer, other fish tank-related stuff.

Anyway, the tank got really gross. Slime covered the front glass. It got so bad you couldn't even see into the tank. We had vague discussions of getting rid of the tank.

Then Chuck saw Finding Nemo. Then something happened to me and all of a sudden I was all about the freakin fish tank.

Chuck did some water changes. We went and bought a new skimmer. We took all the rock out of the tank and scrubbed it free of all the brown and purple slime that covered it. Chuck scrubbed the front of the tank. He did some more water changes. He got the old skimmer working. We ordered a new "cleaning crew". We got some new fish. We already had a clown fish (like Nemo and Marlin). We got a blue tang (like Dorrie). The tank looks beautiful.

Then we saw this movie. A really good movie. I want to take all our fish back to the ocean.

Posted by beth at June 15, 2003 11:11 PM