June 06, 2003

In Limb-o

As a regular part of my job I sent e-mails to staff letting them know about stuff that is going on facility-wise, i.e., painting, electrical work, etc.

The thing is, in response to these mundane notifications I get a slew of e-mails from people flexing their "comedy" muscles. The other thing is, these people are not all that funny or clever.

Following is a glimpse into the mental illness of the people I work with:

-----Original Message-----
From: Beth
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 3:06 PM
To: All LA Office Staff
Subject: Chair Arm Replacement

Due to an improvement in materials technology, all the arms for all the XXX chairs in the LA office are going to be replaced. This project will run Monday and Tuesday, June 9 and 10. A representative from XXX will take your chair from your work area and give you a "loaner" chair for the few minutes it takes to change out the arm assembly. I hope to make this process as unobtrusive to all of you as possible.

If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me.


In response, I got this e-mail, from one of our vice presidents:

Reminds of the scene in Apocalypse Now where Brando relates how the Viet Cong, minutes after the American troops had inoculated village children for polio, came in and hacked off the inoculated arms.

Posted by beth at June 6, 2003 05:30 PM