June 02, 2003

Life's a Bitch and Then...

So the radio station I listen to (Star 98.7, if you care) is giving away Dave Matthews tickets and Train tickets. I would be more than happy to win either one. But I can't.

Not because no one you know ever actually wins things from the radio. Not because in my entire 43 years of life I've never won anything from a radio station, and I can assure you it was not for lack of trying in (in 1975 I answered the phone, "WPLJ Rocks" for six straight months on the off-chance that I'd be the lucky listener they'd call and I'd win a million bucks).

No, I CAN'T win because my husband works for a tiny itsy bitsy little division of the mega-conglomerate media monster that owns my local radio station (and 99% of the other radio stations on the planet) thus rendering me ineligible.

It just sucks to be me sometimes.

Posted by beth at June 2, 2003 03:50 PM