July 06, 2003

Buyer's Remorse

About two weeks ago my husband told me what kind of hair he likes on woman. He showed me. There was a woman on TV who had the hair he likes. Long. Dark. Parted on the side.

Well, two out of three wasn't bad. I had long. Parted on the side. But not dark. More light brown with blonde streaks. I have too much gray to have dark hair without trips to the hairdresser every 3 weeks for root touchups.

So, about 1 1/2 weeks later what do I do? Yes. I cut my hair. Off. Really short.

This was not about him. Not some sort of subliminal, passive-agressive dig at him since he just showed me what kind of hair he liked (on another woman). It was about me. And my hair.

The bad hair days were outnumbering the good ones but a growing margin. As a result it was always up or back. And then I'd get hairdo headaches. This, combined with the thought of spending 25 minutes in 100 degree summer heat, attempting to have cute hair, was more then I could stand anymore.

So I cut it off.

Don't get me wrong. It's cute. It's really cute. It's bouncy, behavin hair. It's low maintenance. Maybe 5 minutes with the blowdryer, some hair wax, and I'm off and looking cute.

But A) I feel kinda bad about the husband thing, even though it will certainly grow back and be long, and parted on the side again; and B) no one else has gotten the short hair message.

Everywhere I look--magazines, tv, on the street, there are women with long hair. Hair like my old hair, before I cut it off. Sarah Jessica Parker has my old hair.

I miss my old hair.

Posted by beth at July 6, 2003 10:54 PM

I like your new hair, honey. It's cute and perky in a Demi Moore in "Ghost" kind of way.

Posted by: Chuck at July 7, 2003 01:58 PM

Can we see a picture? I am trying to work up the nerve to cut mine off.

Posted by: Sara A at July 10, 2003 04:52 PM