July 10, 2003

Finally, A Clue

So last night I went a bit psycho on my husband. I have a variety of really good reasons for my nuclear melt-down, not the least of which is a serious case of PMS.

So I call my husband this afternoon and apologize for last night's melt-down and explain that I might be a "little PMS".

He told me he thought that might be part of the problem, and was going to ask me if it was, but then decided against it.

Finally, after eight years of marriage he's gotten a clue.

Posted by beth at July 10, 2003 02:00 PM

For the record, I knew asking "So, uh, are you PMSing or what?" would have been sheer insanity. That's what made asking so tempting. Sometimes you know the tiger's going to bite you, but you want to poke it with a stick anyway just for fun.

Posted by: Chuck at July 10, 2003 10:36 PM