July 02, 2003

Pound of Flesh

So, tomorrow I'm having a "procedure" performed.

I have this lipoma on my left forearm. I only have one and it's not as yucky as those two, but still, I hate it. I'm very self-conscious about it, though unless I point it out, apparently no one but me notices it.

Bill had lipomas removed a couple of months ago, and as a result had to wear the Cone of Silence. The vet tech saved Bill's lipomas and for some reason felt compelled to show them to us.

They pretty much look like big lumps of chicken fat. So, I have a big lump of chicken fat in my left forearm. Until tomorrow afternoon. I'm fairly certain I'm not going to have to wear a cone, but you never know.

Posted by beth at July 2, 2003 05:12 PM