September 17, 2003

Riding Low

I'm here to tell you that body piercings are not only a lifestyle (of sorts) choice, but also a fashion choice.

Since my piercing, I've felt the need to modify my wardrobe. Initially it was for comfort reasons. Those first couple of weeks I couldn't stand to have anything rubbing on my belly. While the piercing did not actively hurt, having something rubbing on it all day was uncomfortable. Mercifully, we had business casual dress so I was able to manage. Well, I can now wear trousers and other items with a proper waistband but I find I choose not to, whenever possible.

Now, I'm all about low-rise. Or, as we called them in the 60's hip huggers.

So I pierce my belly button and as a result have to buy an entirely new wardrobe.

Since I have a closet full of expensive suits and whatnot, the entirely new wardrobe is having to take place in dribs and drabs. I mean, I did not acquire all these clothes in one weekend, so completely replacing them will have to be done over the course of time.

But this past weekend I bought a couple of new pairs of low-rise slacks for work. And imagine my absolutely delighted surprise when I went to buy new trousers and found that I'd actually gone down a whole size. Woo hoo, go Beth!

So, Beth needs all new clothes, and she needs them in smaller sizes. You can all start feeling really bad for me any time you like.

So along with low-rise trousers, come low-rise panty hose. A brilliant idea, with a piss-poor execution.

I'm wearing regular trousers today but didn't want the trouser waistband and the pantyhose waistband to rub all day long. I opted for the low-rise pantyhose.

Have any of you dear readers ever had the pleasure of wearing a garment made primarily of lycra, lowish on your hips (and please note dear readers, I do not discriminate by gender here)?

What happens when you sit down? Yes, you know....the garment rolls down. And then what happens? Your tummy, no matter how small and cute, or less small and less cute, sausages right over the top of your hose. And how cute is that? Not at all cute. In fact, I'm thankful that I'm wearing pants and cannot see what it going on under them because I would be horrified, even though I can tell what it looks like from how it feels.

So low-rise is my thing despite the fact that it has long been a personal rule of mine that if you were old enough to wear something when it was in fashion the first time, you're too old to wear it again when it comes back in style.

Posted by beth at September 17, 2003 02:43 PM