September 05, 2003

School's In

So it's day two of 3rd grade. We've been early for two days in a row. Please mark that down in the record books cuz it's not likely to happen again.

I'll have to assume day one was good cuz I had to drag my daughter out of her class at the end of the day.

She asked me to walk her into the yard this morning, which I gladly did, and the minute we hit the school yard she was off like a shot. I had to find her to say goodbye. While I was a little saddened by this (she's growing up so fast and getting so independent), it fiills me with joy that she's getting so independent in a good way.

It was good to see my mom friends yesterday and a big deal was made over my new hair, belly ring, and thinner, tan body. I'm a hottie mom now and you gotta love that, cuz it's all about me, now isn't it.

While my husband is lamenting the loss of his potential stalking victim, oops, I mean love interest, I saw my man yesterday. And he looked as fabulous as ever. Once again, I did not throw my sexy, belly ringed body at his feet, but the temptation was there.

Cuz I'm all about self-control kids.

Posted by beth at September 5, 2003 11:49 AM