October 08, 2003

An Eye Full

Much to the chagrin of my husband I have a tendency to walk around the house naked. If not totally naked, then in various states of undress. This is particularly the case when I'm in the process of getting dressed.

You see, the washer/dryer and place where I hang things to air dry is on one side of the house, my bedroom on the opposite. So, if I need to go get a freshly washed bra, or a t-shirt or sweater that I've hung to dry, I sashay across the house in whatever I'm wearing or not, to get it.

(You should also maybe know that the entire back of my house is windows and glass doors, and I have a huge window in the front of my house and the blinds are usually open.)

But I do not reserve my nudist tendencies for when I'm getting dressed. Sometimes I'm just naked (or nearly so) and that's just the way it is.


Today is Wednesday. And on Wednesdays the gardeners come.

I'm usually mindful of putting something on to walk around the house on Wednesdays. It's not that I could really care less if I flashed the gardeners, but I know that Chuck would probably mind, and I'm not sure it would set the best example for my daughter. So on Wednesdays I wear a bathrobe to sashay across the house. And I close the blinds in the bathroom and close the curtains on the big sliding glass doors and bay window in my bedroom.

Well, apparently I'm not as efficient as I should be.

This morning I was standing topless checking out the bottom half of my ensemble (a fawn colored suede skirt and black boots) in the full length mirror, admiring myself, when I glanced up in the mirror. Seems I hadn't closed the curtains all the way and one of the gardeners was in the backyard--about 20 feet from the glass doors.

Looking in.


Maybe I'll get a discount on next month's service.

Posted by beth at October 8, 2003 11:33 AM

and you loved it, didn't you? ;)

Posted by: The Continental at October 10, 2003 10:21 PM

Hmmmmm....maybe just a little. (Exhibitionist at heart?)

Posted by: beth at October 11, 2003 10:28 AM