October 07, 2003

Civic Duty

Well we Atkins' performed our Civic Duty tonight and voted in the stupidest election we Californian's have come up with yet. To sum up my general feeling about this whole recall thing: I think it's stupid.

I don't think we on the left coast need to do much more for the rest of the country to think we're totally psycho. Voting in Ahhnold, The Govenator, might very well be the last straw. I will have to hang my head in shame if (I dare say when) this comes to pass.

While doing my civic duty (at what could only be described as the most disorganized voting place in the entire world), I took the opportunity to do a little informal survey.

We still use punchcards here (with the infamous chads) and I looked at the little punch holes in the ballot. Based on the highly scientific "Where There Were the Most Scratch Marks on the Ballot Method (WTWTMSMONBM)" at the polling place I went to, it seemed that more people voted against the recall, and Ahhnold and Bustamante are tied in their bid to rule the world, oops, I mean the state. I had Chuck check out his ballot and he came up with the same results. (Mercifully, there didn't seem to be a lot of votes for Gary Coleman.)

My highly scientific WTWTMSMONBM has an error margin of only about 85%, so we'll see how I did tomorrow. Film at eleven.

Posted by beth at October 7, 2003 07:48 PM

1. The rest of us thought California was psycho when Gray Davis was reelected last year.

2. Voters who can't use punch cards correctly are too stupid to be allowed to vote and should not be allowed to vote.

Think Floridiots in Floriduh!!!

Posted by: Gogogo at October 16, 2003 05:45 AM