October 19, 2003

Fresh Hell

Welcome to Los Angeles, California. The home of my nightmares:

1. It's fucking hot. This weekend, the mercury has topped out in triple digits. Yes, 100+ in the middle of October.

2. The MTA is on strike. OK, so there's no public transportation so traffic is even worse then usual. And we thought it couldn't get any worse!!! Ha!!!! And when I do manage to get someplace, all the parking spots I seem to find are heading right into the sun. See item #1 for why this sucks worse than usual.

3. Grocery workers are either on strike or are being locked out. So this means that if I want groceries I need to either go to 3 or 4 small stores or Costco and the supermarket too, or go to Gelsons and pay 30% more for my groceries. I've been opting for Gelsons but after walking out $200 lighter today with hardly anything in my cart, I may be rethinking this option.

4. Halloween is coming. I hate Halloween. I've hated it since I was a kid. It has not improved with age for me. My daughter loves Halloween. So does my husband. I've been bamboozled by my daughter into throwing a Halloween party. As if that's not bad enough, it is sort of incumbent upon me, as hostess, to dress up. I loathe dressing up for Halloween.

As usual, it sucks to be me right about now.

Posted by beth at October 19, 2003 04:26 PM