October 23, 2003

Going Topless

I’m having a hankering for a new car. Consistent with what appears to be my mid-life crisis, I want a convertible. Before I bought my Volvo (which is candy apple red, naturally) I briefly entertained a sporty car. I test drove the Z3. It was cute and peppy. Then I looked in what they called the trunk. I couldn’t fit two gallons of milk in it, and as I was not in the market for a second car, but a primary mode of transportation, I decided this was probably not the best way to go.

This hankering has been building up. About a year ago I wanted a Vespa. I could toodle around town on it. Light green maybe, certainly with a leopard seat. But alas, I don’t have much room in my life for toodling. I couldn’t use it, even in an emergency, to go to work, so I shelved that plan.

Then was the Mini. How cute are they? And you can get one for like $25000, fully loaded. I even made an appointment to test drive one. Then I saw one in a parking lot and fully examined it, without the pressure of a car salesman breathing down my neck. Well, I couldn’t fit my dry cleaning in one of those. Another one down the drain.

I’m still fairly stuck on the Infiniti G35. The sedan. They’re sexy and sporty.

But, I need to feel the wind in my hair.

So my latest two choices are a BMW 3-series convertible, and a Chrylser Sebring. Thing is, I have Chrysler issues. Beyond the obvious Celine Dion issues, I’ve never driven an American-made car.

Here’s the thing you should know about me and my car choices: it’s all about the cup holders and how cute I look. (I will report that I've noticed in finding all these links that manufacturers love to show their cars in silver. I will not get silver. I will likely get black. Unless I go with the Infiniti, then I will go with dark navy, so take that into consideration in voicing your opinion. Because your opinion counts!)

I have spent the better part of the last hour attempting to trim a picture of me down and putting it in the car so you could tell me which one I look cuter in, but alas, as the old man is not here to assist me with this, and I’m Photoshop-challenged, I ask you dear readers to use your imagination.

This is me.

This is the BMW:

This is the Chrysler:

Which one will I look cuter in?

Please advise.

Posted by beth at October 23, 2003 08:38 PM

Go with the BMW. I've owned one for 3 years now and would never drive anything else. Not only are the cars beautifully engineered, the dealerships really take care of their customers.

Posted by: Dave at October 24, 2003 11:08 AM

You look cuter in the BMW. Because I'll be driving it sometimes.

Posted by: Chuck at October 24, 2003 12:14 PM

Definitely go for the BMW...I have a few friends that have had Chrysler Sebrings...It was one of the cars that I was thinking of getting a few months ago...but each of my two friends told me that although Chrysler Sebrings are fantastic for the first couple of years, when things start to go wrong mechanically, they go wrong all at once.

Posted by: Gavin at October 24, 2003 10:49 PM

i would go with the bwm for sure. but i would want until jan or feb of 2004 for the new 6 series which comes in coupe and convertible and also has a paddle shifter like a f1 Indy car. way cooooollllllll.

Posted by: tim at October 28, 2003 08:49 AM