October 21, 2003

High Beams

This entry is going to be about breasts, including my own personal pair. If this offends you, you've been warned and you can move on.

Men love breasts. I can understand that. What's not to love? But it seems what men really like about breasts in an accessible, daily life, free/cheap thrill kind of way are erect nipples showing through a t-shirt or blouse.

There are lots of names for erect nipples. High beams and titty hard ons (or t.h. for short) seem to be the most common. Feel free to share your favorites.

Jennifer Aniston's nipples are quite popular with my husband. It seems you can always see them.

Thing is, when a woman's nipples are showing through her clothes she knows about it. I've gone out making a conscious decision to show mine. When shopping at the hardware store, it's almost a necessity, for example.

Generally though, for work, I make other choices. I have several bras, specifically for work that, while not "padded" (cuz I don't really need that) are sort of "fiber-filled". You get a nice smooth line under a t-shirt, or frankly whatever you're wearing. It's more "professional".

Today however, I made a different bra choice. Bra choice: a cute little item from Victoria's Secret that's made out of a jersey/t-shirt material. It's super comfy with a fair amount of support. But it's made out jersey/t-shirt material, so when there's a chill in the air, everyone things I'm glad to see them. This bra is a fine choice under a sweater, or under several layers of clothes. But, considering it's 90+ degrees here, I didn't go that route. Instead I wore a tight fitting white button down shirt made out of some kind of vaguely stretchy material. It clung in all the right places, and enhanced my bustline quite nicely. It's a damned cute shirt.

So today I wore a damned cute shirt to work, and my damned cute nipples paraded themselves all around our very air conditioned office.

Perhaps I was just happy to be there?

Posted by beth at October 21, 2003 03:44 PM

This is the first time I've ever regretted leaving my job there.

Posted by: Chuck at October 21, 2003 11:11 PM

Party hats. You had your party hats on.

Posted by: mbl at October 22, 2003 05:26 AM

Ooooh, I like party hats! Never heard that one but will now start using that. Thanks.

Posted by: beth at October 22, 2003 02:34 PM

Hi there, I always wondered if you "knew", thanks for the enlightenment and I hope you enjoy your day!!

Posted by: Don at October 23, 2003 10:06 AM

Now just recently my wife told me that women with their party hats on are just cold...it has nothing to do with being happy to see me (or anyone else). Could she have been lying to me? Hmmmm.

Posted by: allan at October 28, 2003 09:16 AM

Well, now we're going to have to kill your wife Allan, because it against the Code of All Women to reveal that information.

Posted by: beth at October 28, 2003 11:21 AM