Posted by: mbl at November 16, 2003 07:54 AMHappy, happy, happy Birthday!!! How would you like a cute as a button 11 year old lapdog and a not so cute, throws-up-quite-often, 11 year old cat...and he sheds like crazy, too.
Posted by: Gavin at November 16, 2003 05:21 PM
Damn. I woke up this morning knowing it was somebody's birthday, having been told so recently by this someone but not remembering because my mind is like a salad spinner.
Happy Birthday. May the stripper at your party be the gentleman in the previous entry of the 14th.
Posted by: Road King at November 16, 2003 05:51 PMI know it's almost over, but a very happy birthday to you!
I'd sing my patented off-key rendition of "Happy Birthday", but I've been cited for noise pollution for doing so recently. So I'm performing community service by *not* singing. It's best for everyone.
Posted by: Carol at November 16, 2003 09:44 PM