November 17, 2003

Techno Woman

First order of business: A big huge thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. It was a good one. I was fetted appropriately and thoroughly. And I will say that it is a very good thing that nothing you eat within five days before and after your birthday has any calories, because otherwise I would have easily gained five pounds.

Secondly: I rock. OK, beyond the fact that we all already knew this, I will now point out why I rock today. And I will give you that these items are small, but for me, huge.

1. I purchased and installed a new keyboard today.
2. I purchased and installed a new mouse today. And not only a mouse, but a totally cool trackball with DirectLaunch buttons. And not only that, but I programmed and labeled the buttons all by myself.

I can hear you all snickering under your collective breaths. But for me this is a giant leap. Cuz the thing is, I don't have to know anything techno-, connection-, or computer-related because my old man is extremely handy at those things and he usually takes care of them for me.

Not very self-sufficient of you Beth....yes, well, I know that.

But knowing that my husband longs to, nay lives to, help me with these things I let him because I know it makes him feel more manly and important. So, in fact by not being able to do these things I am keeping the marital harmony.

Ut thing you know I'll be cleaning the gutters out by myself.

Posted by beth at November 17, 2003 03:14 PM

Re: gutters: Yeah, that'll happen.

Posted by: Churk at November 17, 2003 03:23 PM