December 19, 2003

Close Encounter

So, I had a Close Encounter of the Star Kind today.

A major one.

A major interpersonal star moment today.

Keanu Reeves was at my daughter’s school Winter Pageant. Yeah, Neo. We smoked together outside the theater. OK, I was standing five feet from him, but we made eye contact and nodded at each other.

I like to think he was checking me out.

Now I’m not much into Keanu. He always seemed dirty to me, and not in a good way. But my opinion may be changing. He’s a lot taller then I thought, easily 6', and was disheveled, but in a good way. Just hanging out and smoking. So....Keanu may be added to my list. He’s gone up many points on the sex-appeal scale, but alas, he’s still in the toilet acting-wise.

OK, and to be totally obnoxious about it, while I was having this star sighting moment, I was standing there smoking and talking to my friend Bob. Yes, my friend Bob was Damone. And he’s actually my friend.

Go ahead, you can touch me now.

Posted by beth at December 19, 2003 11:19 PM