January 21, 2004

Another Year on the Couch

My hub is in Chicago this week. I can fly to Chi-town for next to nothing for the weekend (because, I mean really, who the hell goes to Chicago in January for the sport of it????).

Things have been more than great with the hub lately and it would be more than fabulous to have a nice little weekend getaway. He's staying at the Drake. Princess Di stayed there. And I'm all about Princess Di. But more importantly I'm all about my old man.

So yeah, I'm going to Chicago for the weekend.

I mentioned this to my daughter last night. The mere mention of the possibility that I might go see daddy, alone, this weekend brought forth tears and shouts of how unfair things are. She wants to come too.

I sweetened the pot by telling Zoe that she would spend the weekend at her best friend's house, instead of having her grandma or aunt come stay with her. But she was mad. So mad she had to call her father to discuss how unfair this was. At 10:00 last night.

This morning she settled down about it and seemed to accept it in better spirits. She even seemed a little excited about spending the weekend at Katie's.

I would also like to take a moment here and say that even if I was in town chances are more than excellent that she would end up staying at Katie's for the weekend, or Katie would spend the weekend at my house, because that's what they do. Every.Single.Weekend. So it's not like she's been left to be cared for by wolves.

I feel Zoe's pain. I remember when I was a kid and my parents would go away for a rare weekend alone together. My grandmother would come stay. It was not fun. But I lived. And she will too. My feeling is she's gonna grow up and hate me anyway, so what's another year on the therapy couch?

Posted by beth at January 21, 2004 12:48 AM