February 04, 2004

Perhaps I Should Update More Frequently, Then I Could Stay on Topic

Yeah, so I suppose I could have written sooner to tell you all what an absolutely fabulous time I had in Chicago.

I could have told you that no only did my daughter not miss me, but it seemed she could care less that I/we were gone. She did manage to call us Saturday afternoon to find out where the charger for her Gameboy was, but then she was in a huge rush to get off the phone to go out.

But I suck, so go read this and you'll know my time in Chi-town was spectacular.

Like every other city Chuck visits, he's ready to move there. I would consider moving to Chicago, but it will cost the old man dearly: a full length sheared beaver coat with matching headband, and a brand spanking new Range Rover. I could/would not ask for a fur coat in sunny So Cal, but dayam, it gets cold in the midwest.

But that is not the point of this entry. I will get to my point eventually.

This Saturday Chuck and I made our usual post-movie trek over to Second Spin to procure tunes. It seems I was in a "greatest hits" kinda mood. I purchased Aretha's Greatest Hits for $5.99, Gipsy King's Greatest Hits, and Al Green's Greatest Hits. The last two were not nearly the steal that Aretha was, but still worthwhile investments. I also got a VHS copy of Notting Hill, one of the best movies ever made on the entire planet, for $5.99. Schweet.

As usual, I was finished with my shopping well before Chuck was. I have come to the conculsion that I am a buyer, not a shopper. I love the victory of a good bargain, but I go in, I find what I want, I buy it, and I leave. I am not a browser or lingerer. Chuck, on the other hand, could spend all afternoon in a used record store and go back for more.


I was finishing up and browsing through the "Just In" area at the front of the store. It was there that I saw this:


(Click on the image to make it larger, but keep in mind that I took the picture with my phone and had to be totally stealth about it.)

Row upon row and stack upon stack of used Clay Aiken CD's.

I will confess that I just loved last season's American Idol. I am attempting to suck Chuck in with me this season.

I liked Clay better than Reuben, but not as much as I liked Kimberly Locke. And when she was out of the running I didn't really care which of the two boys got it. Yeah, I got sucked in. American Idol, my dirty little secret is not so secret anymore.

I heard that Clay Aiken song on the radio. And while it had a snappy chorus, the lyrics were sooooo insipid, that if I were him I'd have been too embarassed to record it. I can't image that anyone who actually heard the song on the radio would buy the CD, but clearly they did, in a moment of complete.....ummmm.....brain death? But clearly they've all come to their senses.

Alrighty then, I've just re-read this entry and it's either wipe it out cuz it's all over the place and makes no sense, or just post it and be done with it. I guess you know which way I went.

Posted by beth at February 4, 2004 02:49 PM

I keep tellin' ya, Beth. Quit the mushrooms and the crack and you'll find your writing will flow smoothly and with purpose just like the mighty Columbia.

By the way, Chuck would look suhweet in a nice quality Harp Seal hat with earflaps.

Carry on.

RK (s)

Posted by: Road King (still) at February 4, 2004 03:44 PM

I gently set the pipe down on the table.

Posted by: beth at February 5, 2004 12:50 AM