March 12, 2004

A Piercing Moment

It was tradition in my family that you got your ears pierced for your 10th birthday. Since that first pair of holes in my ears, I have added one more to hole each ear, and one to my belly button.

Chuck has two piercings in his left ear and one in his right.

The discussion of Zoe getting pierced ears has come up many times. Chuck has been adamant that no daughter of his was going to have pierced ears until she was 18. After some heart-felt discussions, he softened to 16.

Yesterday Chuck and I were at the mall picking up Zoe's birthday presents. In a moment when brain function clearly stopped, Chuck suggested that he might be open to the idea of Zoe getting her ears pierced for her birthday.

Chuck barely made mention of the idea that he might be willing to consider entertaining the possiblity that maybe in the not-too-distant-future he would be open to perhaps letting Zoe, at eight, have her ears pierced. All I can say in my defense is that he cracked that door open. But leave it to me to push an 800 pound elephant right through it.

So this afternoon we picked Zoe up from school and took her to Claire's at the mall, the only place any self-respecting eight year old would even think of having her ears pierced, and we did it.

I will say they've got it down to a science there at Claire's. At the suggestion of the manager, they did both ears at once, and I will say, my baby was a trooper, barely flinching when they shot her little earlobes with those piercing guns.

She got some tiny little crystal studs that reflect the light and change color. They're darling. (I'll get Chuck to take a picture and post it later.)

She looks go grown up now it might almost break my heart, if it weren't already bursting with my love for her.

Happy birthday peanut.

Posted by beth at March 12, 2004 07:07 PM

I bet that Zoe would love a darling 4 year old Orange Tabby named Fellini, wouldn't she? Fellini is so cute, so sleek, and so loving!

You can see a picture of Fellini by cutting and pasting the following into your browser:

Awwww, isn't he adooooooooorrrrrrrrable?

(Chuck is going to kill me)

Posted by: Gavin at March 13, 2004 08:46 AM