March 14, 2004

Re-Elect Bush--My Campaign Photo Suggestion

The view from Santa Monica Pier...a memorial to all the soldiers who've lost their lives in the ego-trip in Iraq.


Interestingly, almost directly above it is one of those kiosks where you can take your picture in front of a cardboard cutout of various famous people. One of your choices was W.

It would have been worth the money if they could have promised to get the grave markers in the background.

(And, as always, the disclaimer that I took this pic with my phone so yes, I know, it's not a great picture, but it was well worth capturing.)

Posted by beth at March 14, 2004 06:53 PM

I hadn't even heard of this memorial. I must go see it! Thanks for posting about it. Stupid Bush.

Posted by: lex at March 16, 2004 09:54 AM