February 17, 2005


Apparently I'm having some technical issues due to my limited web knowledge.

It seems I mis-followed directions Chuck gave me two years ago and I have been consistently (for the most part) mis-following those directions for the duration of this blog. As a result, when Chuck moved our domain some of my stuff...ummm....well.....seems to be floating out there in cyberspace.

Mercifully the man is on it and things should be back up to speed very soon. And then we're going to sit down and I'm actually going to listen, and maybe even jot down a note or two when he tells me how to do something.

Then instead of the illusion of self-sufficiency, I actually may be.

Posted by beth at February 17, 2005 08:47 PM

I confess. There's nothing wrong with your blog and you did nothing wrong. In fact, there's never been anything wrong in any of the computer problems I've ever "helped" you with; you are actually a power user doing everything right. It's all me -- I break your stuff every once in awhile just so I can "fix" it and play the hero. I do it so you'll think you need me.

I'll start packing now.

Posted by: Chuck at February 18, 2005 10:48 AM