Burning Leather


May 1 , 2000

Well, the month sort of got away from me so I'm writing my April collab May 1. Can you stand that it's May already? Anyway, this month's assignment: I've always loved the smell of...

I'm a very scent-driven person. Odd that I married a man that has no sense of smell. I find it unfathomable. My sense of smell is very keen anyway, but particularly for a smoker.

They say that a smell can take you back to a time or place that you might have no memory of otherwise. I don't know. Sounds possible.

I can't say that there's only one scent I could use to fill in the end of the assigned statement.

I've always wondered, though, do we all perceive smells the same way. Many people love the smell of a freshly mowed lawn. I am no exception. But does it smell the same to me as it does to you?

I've always loved the smell of. . .

Apples. Crisp, tart, juicy Granny Smith apples.
Bread. That warm, yeasty, homey smell.
Berries of almost any variety.
Coffee. Fresh brewing coffee can wake me from the deepest of sleeps.
Dr. Pepper. My favorite soda. It's a cola-y, berry smell.

Freshly Mowed Grass.
Garlic cooking.
Onions cooking.
The air after a good rain.
Surf laundry detergent.
Freshly ironed shirts, still warm from pressing.
The ocean.
Dry cleaners.

Until next time...