I have a flight out of LAX to Fresno at 4:30 this afternoon and I just can’t seem to get motivated to get ready to go. Maybe it’s because it’s Fresno, I don’t know.
The flight will start boarding at 4:00. I’m not checking a bag so I don’t really need to be there until 3:30 and even then I’ll still be early. Traffic should be fairly light, so my taxi doesn’t need to be here until about 2:45 (amended from 2:00 after writing this sentence). I still need to shave, shower, and finish packing, which will take about 30 minutes, which means I should get going on by 2:00 to give myself a little bit of a cushion. It’s 12:15 now, which means I can keep screwing around for another hour and 45 minutes.
I wonder what’s on TV?