Picture This
Careful readers of Pie already know I have a new cell phone — a new camera-equipped cell phone. Because, you know, I’m a big ol’ geek and always have to have the newest toys — or at least the ones I can afford, because I haven’t yet been able to reach the New Harley Toys plateau.
Anyway, me and my new phonecam (camphone?) have been out and about and have shared many adventures. And because I’m a giver (that’s “giver,” not “big ol’ geek”) I’ve set up a moblog where you can see what me and my phonecam have seen. Enjoy!
(I do apologize for the title, though:)
And I’m sure your careful readers would have loved to know that your lovely wife got you the phone for your birthday. And if left up to you, they never would know.
By the way, Beth got me the phone. Thank you, honey.
Who’s the hot chick?!?!?!? Whoa Mama!!! ;-)
That sounds suspiciously like my limey bastard friend Tim.