Stalker Assist
Inspired by my close personal friend stag over at stagblog, I thought I’d give an assist to all my stalkers out there who’ve been wondering where I live. Wonder no longer: Dead center, that’s me.
Come on by if you’re cool. If you’re not, uh… Don’t.
Oopsie, that was a little too much of an assist. I figured out that even though the satellite photo map I linked to didn’t give my actual address, asking Google for directions to the coordinates it provided actually did give directions right to my front door. Not good.
Sorry, stalkers, but I’m not going to just give it up to you like a drunken prom queen. You’d never respect me in the morning if I did.
You don’t trust your blog readers? I had originally mapped where I live now, but I ended up taking that entry down when I noticed I was looking at the people driving by to see if they were looking at me. Now I only have maps of where I used to live posted.
Oh no, stag, I trust all my *readers*. It’s the mouth-breathers who *can’t* read that I’d rather not have turn up on my doorstep.