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June 2, 2005 - Thursday


Zoe’s bedtime is 8:00 pm. That doesn’t mean she’s sleeping in there, however. Tonight’s non-sleep activity: Left-Coast Liberal Artwork. Beth found this on her pillow as she went to turn in tonight.

We’re so proud.

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13 responses to “Indoctrinated”

  1. Stan says:

    As well you should be. Friends don’t let friends vote Republican, and you shouldn’t raise your child to be one, either.

  2. Don says:

    Cool artwork. It’s nice to know all we need to do is send flowers to the terroists and they will stop bombing innocent people. Why didn’t George think of that.

    It really is a nice drawing though.

  3. The Butcher says:

    Your kid is very cool. My kids never draw ricky-ticky-stickies. :(

    I gotta work on that …

  4. Chuck says:

    Hey Don — Killing them ain’t working. Why not try flowers? Or at least making peace?

  5. Don says:

    Ok Chuck, you go over there and convince them to make peace. Let me know how that works out for you.

    I think a better option would be to send them a Daisy Cutter. That’s kinda like flowers.

  6. Chuck says:

    When your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

  7. beth says:


    You are a monumental asshat.

    She’s 9 freakin years old. Good for her for having a conscience and believing in something. And even better that she believes in goodness and kindness and that maybe by spreading flowers we can have world peace.

    And the bonus is that she’s onto Bush. Oh wait, she’s 9 and she’s onto him. What’s your excuse?

  8. Don says:


    Why do you stoop to calling me names?

    I like the picture and it’s a good thing she’s living in a country where she can have at least 9 years of innocence and hopefully several more. If she lived in Iraq and had felt that way for the last 9 years she most likely wouldn’t be so innocent. Sadam killed people who exercised free thought.

    Yes, Iraq is not a great place now but if you listen to the soldiers there instead of being consumed by the liberal media and hate for Bush you would realize the majority of Iraqis feel better off. We had a war that lasted for quite a few years before we got our freedom. Happened around 1776.

  9. beth says:


    I resort to name calling because you are immensely tiresome, and one-note.

    I’ve talked to several soldiers who’ve been in Iraq. Without exception, each and every one of them is opposed to what’s going on with respect to how Bush is handling things, and they say their comerades feel the same way.

  10. GraceD says:


    Beth called you an ‘asshat’. A ‘monumental’ one at that.

    You inquired why Beth would stoop to calling you names.

    ‘Asshat’ is not a name. It’s short for ‘asshatedness’, the character of those suckers who have blindly fallen for the lies of this administration.

    I just wanted to clarify that. Now leave Zoe’s picture the fuck alone.

  11. Don says:

    Oh, GraceD has told me to leave something alone. That scares the hell out of me. Yeah, right. Don’t you have something to protest or a road to play in?

    It is a nice picture though.

  12. GraceD says:

    Congratulations, Chuck! With Asshatted Don you have your very own troll. A fairly inarticulate one, but a troll nonetheless.

  13. Lesley says:

    Dinky Don is yet another armchair rah rah republican warrior championing the cause of killing and wounding massive numbers of Americans in the name of oil profits for the Bush family and their pals. Hats off to his ass! or ass off to his hats…whichever.

    The world needs more flowers and fewer dons.

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