No Soap Radio Again
Another week (or so), another podcast. There’s a new episode of No Soap Radio up for your listening pleasure: #28 – Here Come De Bus! Here’s the blurb I posted in the show notes:
Because we care about you, the listener, we’ve added an audio cue to our repertoire: a city bus. So now, when Beth is throwing Chuck under the bus, she’ll have sound effects to do it by. And she makes quick use of it tonight — multiple times.
We also talked about our new listener and fellow podcaster Eliza Metz of The SideShow podcast, pimped our Frappr map, begged for votes at Podcast Alley, figured out that we’re in the top 20% of shows there — or maybe the top 5% depending on which of us does the math, trading “who’s been in jail the most” stories with Chuck’s brothers at a 2-year-old’s birthday party at our extremely white-bread/straight-edge in-laws’ house, finding porn on the same in-laws’ computer while fixing it, our daughter was almost born on Leap Day which would have saved us tons of money on birthday presents, Gummi Bears are evil, The Aristocrats was great, and much, much more.
So check it out, Here Come De Bus!