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January 16, 1992 |
back to the Love Shack, folks. Kick off your shoes, grab a glass of whatever
grabs you, and settle down because we're going to be talking about fun
stuff this week; dating stuff. How many of you out there
had a date sometime during the past week? Okay, good. Now, how many of
you had a good time on your date? Uh oh, I see some hands dropping. How
many of you had a lousy time on your date? A few less hands. And
finally, how many of you had such a vicious time that it almost made you
swear off dating forever? Just one of you. Okay, you over there with
the Hell Date, why was it so bad? You don't know why, that's just how
it always is when you go out with this person? Well, excuse me for asking
a stupid question, but why do you go out with this nightmare in the first
place? Never mind answering; you just gave me my soapbox for this week.
You're going to be our object lesson. We've all done it, haven't
we? Gone out with somebody we don't like all that much, or gone out with
somebody we really like a lot who doesn't like us and treats us like...well,
like the hired help. Why do we do it? The answer's pretty simple:
loneliness. Whether you're going out with somebody straight from Nightmare
Dates 'R Us because it's better than nothing or laying your heart on the
line for the Human Vampire because "s/he'll love me someday," you're doing
it because you'd rather not be alone. I think that's the human condition:
nobody likes to be alone. That's why there's so many 900 numbers and Pasadena
Weekly Romance Ads and hookers in Hollywood. But there's a not-too-fine
line between wanting to get out of the house and being somebody's doormat,
and it's a line too many of us cross. Not having a date isn't that
bad, is it? No, it's not. Since I'm your doctor, and since this is a house
call of sorts, I've got just the prescription for the disease known as
Dating The Wrong People: No and Don't. Take a No and a Don't and
call me in the morning. "No" means saying no when
the wrong person calls you at 6:57 p.m. and says, "Duh, hey, I wuz jus
thinkin' aboutchoo. Ya wanna do somethin'?" They're calling you with that
compelling invitation only because 8:00 p.m. (the official dating kick-off
time) is closing in and he or she can't find anybody foolish enough to
go out with them. You're Hobson's choice. Skip it. "Don't" means don't do it.
When the unrequited love of your life hasn't called you in a week, don't
pick up the phone and suggest a movie -- take a hint. There's enough abuse
in the world without calling to have it delivered like Domino's Pizza.
Don't make the call, don't set yourself up. Don't be a patsy. So what if you don't have
a date this weekend? It's not that bad. Dating is a lot like buying cantaloupe:
you squeeze 'em and thump 'em and make a judgement call. Do you get frantic
when you can't make it to the store to buy a melon? Then why get frantic
when you can't see a movie with one? If you can't find a good melon at
the store, if they're all rotten, you go home without one. Why settle
for a rotten date because that's all there is? SINGLES GROUP OF THE
WEEK What does this have to do
with dating? Romance is going electronic. One of the more revolutionary
capabilities of computers is the ability to communicate with other computers
over telephone lines via modem. Banks do it to transmit data, corporations
do it to link their computers to remote offices, you've done it if you've
ever sent a fax, and there are people out there who do it just for fun. Our singles group of the
week is a loose confederation of computer aficionados known as "BBSers"
who talk to each other via modem through a connecting point known as a
Bulletin Board System (BBS). BBSers make new friends and stay in touch
with old ones, play games, have debates, and send electronic mail through
the BBSes. And sometimes they fall in love. Every BBS (there are hundreds
in California alone) boasts at least one success story where two members
have met on the board and fallen in love. A local BBS, "Modem Butterfly's
Connection," hosts get-togethers for members and non-members on a semi-regular
basis. Their most recent gathering was held Tuesday at the 94th Aero Squadron
in Van Nuys. If you've got a computer with a modem and you're interested
in checking MBC out, use your computer to call (818) 842-3322. It's a
good way to meet new people and pick up a new hobby, so call them up and
tell them "Wordsmith" sent you. Two
BBSers met on Modem Butterfly recently. Using their on-line "handles,"
"Eclipse" in Maryland and "Kitten" in Los Angeles developed an on-line
friendship that grew into romance and has bloomed into marriage. "Kitten"
now lives in Maryland with her new husband, "Eclipse," and they owe it
all to their computers. Love is everywhere, folks,
even on your computer screen.
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